自然は私たちに何千もの食事に対処しなければならない永久歯のセットだけを与えています。 遅かれ早かれ、歯の一つは、細菌"生物学的攻撃"に抵抗することはできません。 それは傷つくようになり、療法士の助けを必要とする。 全て読む


自然は私たちに何千もの食事に対処しなければならない永久歯のセットだけを与えています。 遅かれ早かれ、歯の一つは、細菌"生物学的攻撃"に抵抗することはできません。 それは傷つくようになり、療法士の助けを必要とする。



歯は外側だけで十分に保護されています。 エナメル質は象牙質の内層よりも六倍硬い。 損傷が象牙質に達するとすぐに、破壊は津波のように爆発する。

数ヶ月以上治療しなければ、う蝕は徐々に中等度の段階に入る。 中程度から深い段階への道はずっと速く、不愉快な驚きになることがあります。 象牙質の完全な破壊は、小さな穴を持つエナメル質の下で時々見えなくなり、歯は外側ではほとんど健康に見えます。

Therapeutic dentistry

Therapeutic dentistry first of all deals with caries treatment. There are three types of caries: superficial, moderate and deep caries. Superficial caries only damages the enamel and begins with an invisible change in its structure. At first it is visible only when painted with a caries detection pen. But quite soon it can be seen with a common mirror if the dark spot is in a visible place. However, this damage is still easily treated and leaves enough time to harden the enamel with special agents.


When the enamel is passed through... The borderline between moderate and deep caries is usually drawn in the middle of the tooth. In fact, the difference is in the scale of damage: serious or very serious. Filling requires a lot more work, and the procedure is done «four hands» to reduce its time. Deep or moderate caries is treated under anesthetic. Advanced equipment is also very important for good quality and comfort. We have chosen the A-dec 500 dental unit mainly because of its ergonomics and flexible structure. Simply said, the comfortable chair can be lifted, turned and folded in different ways. The unit is also equipped with up-to-date accessories, allowing the doctors to perform all procedures without a hitch.

After treatment the tooth looks identical to a healthy one and fully recovers its strength. Premium class fillings are made in layers of light-cure resin from leading European producers. When ready, the filling can’t be seen or felt because it imitates a natural tooth not only in color and shape, but also in its inner structure. We provide warranty on the results of our therapy because our dentists are confident about good quality of their work.

Dear customers!
Here below you can find the price list of most popular dental services in our clinic.
This information is not public offer and can be changed by proprietor.

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