


小児歯科は、歯科と小児科の組み合わせであり、小児および青年のための歯、歯肉および口腔の予防的および治療的ケアを含む。 全て読む



歯は、生まれるずっと前に発達と石灰化を開始します。 乳歯といくつかの永久歯のほとんどは、出生後の最初の半年で形成され、2.5歳で、ほぼすべての永久歯の芽が所定の位置にあります。 これは、あなたの子供が歯科医におすすめを見るための重要な瞬間です。


今日では小児歯科は、歯科および口腔疾患の予防に焦点を当てています。 フッ素は、歯の健康にとって最も重要な要素の一つです。 フッ素の主な供給源は次のとおりです:

Pediatric Dentistry

  • フッ素が豊富な食品口内炎の治療
  • フッ化物の歯磨き粉
  • フッ素処理

Pediatric Dentistry

Fissure sealing is one of the simplest and most effective preventive care procedures. Fissures are naturally formed bumps on the surface of the chewing teeth, where the enamel is thinner and the bottom is hard to reach with a toothbrush. This increases the risk of caries. Fissure sealing is a process of filling them with a special agent that goes deep into the fissures and covers them with a thin but firm layer.

Caries is a disease that damages tooth enamel and allows pathogenic bacteria into the inner dental structures. Early stages of caries can be treated by ICON infiltration method,which is painless and drilling-free. Advanced stages of caries require tooth restoration with fillings.

Milk teeth and permanent teeth are different in structure. Milk teeth are more porous, less mineralized, with thin enamel and wide root canals.It allows an easier access of germs into the inner layers of the tooth and causes pulpitis and periodontitis. Children develop pulpitis more often than adults, but usually the condition is painless. However, sometimes it can be painful and accompanied with swollen and sensitive lymph nodes. Timely treatment of pulpitis prevents more complicated diseases such as periodontitis.

Periodontitis is most common in adolescents. The main reasons of it are:

  • poor oral hygiene
  • short frenulum of the tongue or lip
  • abnormal bite
  • systematic and chronic diseases

Treatment of periodontitis requires consultation of several dental specialists: general dentist, orthodontist, dental surgeon. Special attention should be paid to proper bite formation. Abnormal bite is not only esthetically displeasing, but also causes dental diseases.

Please make a habit for your child to see a dentist twice a year.

Pediatric Dentistry

Dear customers!
Here below you can find the price list of most popular dental services in our clinic.
This information is not public offer and can be changed by proprietor.


名前 Price, ₽
First Dentist Consultation (up to 30 minutes) 3 200
Extended Dentist Consultation (more than 30 minutes) 6 900
First Consultation of Chief Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) 3 990
歯科での再診察 2 200
X -Ray (per image) 1 010
Panoramic X-Ray 4 200
コンピュータ断層撮影(3D診断) 7 200


名前 Price, ₽
Composite 1 surface baby tooth filling от 6 930
Composite 2 surfaces baby tooth filling 9 370
歯髄切開術(乳歯) 4 620
銀を使用した治療(1歯あたり) 1 240
Simple baby tooth extraction 5 650
Complicated baby tooth extraction 8 590
口内炎の治療 3 280
Porcelain fused to metal dental pediatric crown 18 860
Metal dental pediatric crown 13 210
アイコン法でのう蝕治療(1面) 5 550
亀裂のシール(1歯あたり) 3 880

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