


歯の深いところ、エナメル質と象牙質の下に、パルプがあります。 それは歯を生きたままにするすべての神経と血管を含んでいます。 彼らは根管を通過し、生物の一般的なシステムに接続します。全て読む


歯の深いところ、エナメル質と象牙質の下に、パルプがあります。 それは歯を生きたままにするすべての神経と血管を含んでいます。 彼らは根管を通過し、生物の一般的なシステムに接続します。

齲蝕が長期間治療されなければ、それは発達し、パルプは炎症を起こし、パルプ炎に至る。 病気の他の原因には、壊れたクラウン、悪い感情および低品質の治療、ならびに細菌の効果が含まれる。 とにかく、結果は同じです:神経は、直接曝露に適合していない、炎症を起こし、人は強い痛みを感じる。

Pulpitis treatment methods

Timely diagnostics of pulpitis gives a chance to remove inflammation with medications and maintain the pulp. This method of treatment is called biological and is recommended for early stages of the disease.

In case of severe inflammation surgical method is used. It includes full extraction of the pulp and filling of the tooth canal.

Treatment of canals requires high precision. They arborize and curve, can be very narrow, but it is necessary to extract the pulp and fill all the parts. Otherwise it leaves space for infection to spread, and pulpitis can develop under the filling. To avoid such cases we use special equipment and work with complicated canals using the Leica M320 Advanced I Video microscope.

Stages of treatment

Treatment of pulpitis is done in stages. Before extracting the nerves it is necessary to «switch them off». Special paste is put into the pulp, which kills the nerve and sterilizes the surrounding tissue. The medication is left in the tooth for a period from a few days to 2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the canal and other individual characteristics. For this period a temporary filling is installed.

Most of the work is done in the second stage. The temporary filling is removed with the paste, and thorough extraction of the pulp begins. The doctor cleans and dries the canal and fills it with restoration materials. If the canal is curved, a flexible pin is inserted into it for additional strength.

Dear customers!
Here below you can find the price list of most popular dental services in our clinic.
This information is not public offer and can be changed by proprietor.


名前 Price, ₽
First Dentist Consultation (up to 30 minutes) 3 200
Extended Dentist Consultation (more than 30 minutes) 6 900
First Consultation of Chief Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) 3 990
歯科での再診察 2 200
X -Ray (per image) 1 010
Panoramic X-Ray 4 200
コンピュータ断層撮影(3D診断) 7 200

Restorative dentistry

名前 Price, ₽
複合素材の充填装着 8 400
Composite 2 surfaces filling 12 400
一つの根管の治療 от 10 810
Composite 3 surfaces filling 15 120
Temporary filling 1 030
Temporary filling (prolonged use) 3 990
グラスファイバーピンの取り付け 5 550

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