Tver State Medical University
Internship: Tver State Medical University
Postgraduate education: Residency in Tver State Medical University, specialization in «Orthopaedics»
Сertificates and Diplomas:
- Course «Splint state of the art», Turkey, 2024
- Occlusal factors in prosthodontic rehabilitation, 2023
- Digital express analysis of the patient in the clinic, 2021
- Office Course — Digital Protocols, 2021
- International seminar: «The benefits of use of the doctor smile diode lasers in dental practice», 2019
- Oscar Gonzalez-Martin, The creation of harmonious soft tissue contour at the implant in the anterior region, 2019
- Creating a new smile: From planning to fixing, 2018
- The reconstruction of defects of the dentition in conjunction with a method of immediate dentoalveolar reconstruction (IDR), 2018
- Author’s course Domenico Massironi, 2017
- The effectiveness of the initial consultation and the Protocol of the treatment plan presentation, 2017
- The Protocol of orthopedic treatment with the use of analog and digital technologies, 2016
- The craftsmanship of prosthetics, 2016
- Gnatologichesky the concept of reconstruction of occlusion. Module: Functional and aesthetic morphology, 2016
- Splint therapy. How to avoid disorders of the temporal mandibular joint. The use in practice of relaxing occlusal splints, 2016
- Techniques of computer analysis of occlusions by t-Scan III, 2015
- International VITA-Training for CEREC / inLab users in Bad Sackingen, Germany, 2015
- Introduction to gnathology, 2015
- Dr. Alexander Budovsky, TRG-basics, X-ray anatomy, diagnostics, methods of data transfer in dental treatment in the articulator and on the patient’s prosthetics, 2015
- Communication with the patient of dental clinic, course, 2015
- Soft tissue management in fixed prosthetics: ways to achieve «Pink aesthetics», 2011
- MONA DENT-Navigation fur die Implantologie, 2011
- Reecorder BlueFox and computer assisted reposition, 2011
- New methods of research and diagnosis in the practice of an orthopedist. Functional occlusion, 2011
- Functional analysis of the dental system. Part 1. Occlusion and pathology of occlusion. Clinical functional diagnosis, 2010
- Diagnosis and treatment of muscle and joint dysfunction, 2010
- The ability to achieve the exact pripravki restorations, 2010
- The use of full-ceramic restorations in modern dentistry, 2009
- Theoretical studies and practical skills of working with articulators, 2009
- Ceramic materials for biological rehabilitations of the stomatological system, 2009
- Dental Anesthesias, 2009
- Basic training inLab for users, 2009
- CEREC / inLab. Training for users, 2009
- Basics of decision-making in implantology: surgical and orthopedic aspects, 2008
- World of Procera. Solutions and business opportunities for your practice, 2007
- Biomechanics and technique of orthodontic load dosing, 2005
- Endodontic skills, 2005
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Participation in symposiums and conferences:
- Participation in the II International Moscow Congress of Functional Dentistry, 2023
- Participation in the First Crimean Congress of Functional Dentistry, 2021
- International Symposium, Selection of CAD/CAM system for modern dental clinic. Why CEREC?, 2018
- Symposium «Scientific thought and clinical development. Integration and evolution of protocols», 2017
- International educational conference on implantology and aesthetic dentistry «Complex aesthetic protocols of implantological treatment», 2015
- International CAD/CAM conference CEREC Club Russia, 2014
- International educational conference on implantology and aesthetic dentistry «Actual concepts of aesthetic rehabilitation on implants», 2013
- Nobel Biocare Symposium, 2012
- II international Congress on dental radiodiagnostics. Quintessence, 2011
- VII international implantological Symposium, 2011
- V Moscow Congress of implantology. Splint therapy: how to avoid temporal mandibular joint disorders, 2010
- III international conference on topical aspects of neuromuscular dentistry, 2010
- The First joint conference of ZM Unitek and FORTEX-T companies, modern trends in orthodontics development, 2005
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